Ulead Video Studio 11 Plus Full Version Free Download
Ulead Video Studio 11 Plus Full Version Free Download
Corel's Ulead Video Studio 11 makes video editing a simple step-by-step process, whether you just want to quickly transfer a tape to a DVD or create an elaborate video production using multiple clips, custom soundtracks, and overlay effects.
Video Studio 11 comprises three main areas: the DV-to-DVD Wizard, which automates burning DV tapes to disc; the Movie Wizard, a basic editor that's handy for creating quick movies or DVD slide shows; and thefull Video Studio editor. Even the full editor is easy to use, with menu items along the top arranged to walk you through the edit process step-by-step.
As you'd expect from a product that's reached its 11th version, VideoStudio 11 is packed with features. Several automatic filters simplify cleaning up problem footage: DeSnow removes noise from low-light videos and snowy TV recordings, while DeBlock helps eliminate obvious compression artifacts. The program also provides automatic filters for correcting color tone and white balance. And the antishake option helps eliminate camera unsteadiness in your footage, a key feature missing in earlier versions.
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